Interview: Mark Seemann on /Blindsight/ and /Thinking, Fast and Slow/
Download MP3How two books influenced Danish software designer Mark Seemann to get the non-rational part of his brain working on his side.
Mark Seemann
The books
- Peter Watts, Blindsight, 2006. Goodreads description. Or: free at the author's site.
- Daniel Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 2011
Also mentioned
- Read Montague, Why Choose This Book?: How We Make Decisions, 2006
- Felienne Hermans, The Programmer's Brain, 2021
- George A. Miller, "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two", 1956
- Rich Hickey, "Hammock-Driven Development" (video), 2010
- Peter Watts, Echopraxia, 2014
- Poincaré's 1904 essay on creativity is described (with extensive quotes) in this article. The original source for the essay is his book The Foundations of Science, starting on page 179, a chapter titled "Mathematical Creation". The book is freely available for Kindle and in other formats via the Wayback Machine.
- Jamis Buck, Mazes for Programmers: Code Your Own Twisty Little Passages, 2015
- Richard P. Gabriel, Patterns of Software, 1996. Free at the author's site.
The image of Theseus, the spaceship in Blindsight, is from a page from Peter Watts' website. The image is not marked Creative Commons, though the whole novel is, so I'm hoping Mr. Watts won't mind.