Theories of What? or: Richard Rorty Weighs in on TDD ("Packages", Part 3)
Download MP3Why did so many biologists shrug and accept the proto-oncogene theory of cancer, while most programmers rejected TDD – and rather fiercely? Using an idea from Richard Rorty, I suggest that (part of!) the reason is because two different kinds of theory were at play. Part three of a series.
Crafting Science: A Sociohistory of the Quest for the Genetics of Cancer, Joan Fujimura, 1997.
Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, Richard Rorty, 1989.
Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent Beck, 1996.
Ward Cunningham on "working the program", 2004.
The Mathematical Experience, Phillip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh, 1980.
"Elephant Talk", King Crimson, 1981 (audio).
"Hammock-Driven Development", Rich Hickey, 2010 (video).
"What is Hammock-Driven Development?", Keagan Stokoe, 2021
Crafting Science: A Sociohistory of the Quest for the Genetics of Cancer, Joan Fujimura, 1997.
Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity, Richard Rorty, 1989.
Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns, Kent Beck, 1996.
Ward Cunningham on "working the program", 2004.
The Mathematical Experience, Phillip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh, 1980.
"Elephant Talk", King Crimson, 1981 (audio).
"Hammock-Driven Development", Rich Hickey, 2010 (video).
"What is Hammock-Driven Development?", Keagan Stokoe, 2021
Image of contrasting words from Flickr user andeecollard, Creative Commons License CC BY-SA 2.0