BONUS: Lord, preserve us from totalizing systems
Download MP3Why *are* teams stuck in hierarchical and commercial exchange economies, when they'd be happier and just as productive if the example of the previous episode were the default? A discussion of totalizing systems and "system justification": forces that push against change. An argument from examples that humans are way more free to choose than we believe. A suggestion for a certain kind of cross-fertilization.
- DDavid Graeber, Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value, 2001
- David Graeber, Debt: The First 5,000 Years, 2011
- David Graeber and David Wengrow, The Dawn of Everything: a New History of Humanity, 2021
- Dr. Anna O’Brien, Cows have distinct social classes and 'Boss Cows'
- Aimi Hussein and Racheal Bryant, "The secret life of cows: Social behavior in dairy herds" (PDF)
- Ian Welsh, "The Totalizing Principle Of Profit, and the Death of the Sacred"
- Paul Feyerabend and Bert Terpstra (editor), Conquest of Abundance: A Tale of Abstraction versus the Richness of Being, 2001
- John T. Jost, A Theory of System Justification, 2004. Which I have not read, but I have listened to a podcast conversation with him.
- James Suzman, "Why 'Bushman banter was crucial to hunter-gatherer's evolutionary success", derived from his book Affluence Without Abundance, 2017
- Peter Freuchen, Peter Freuchen's Book of the Eskimos, 1961
- Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish: the Birth of the Prison, 1975
Image of a veterinarian succussing a Holstein cow courtesy Dawn Marick, DVM, MS, DACVIM(LA).
Image of a veterinarian succussing a Holstein cow courtesy Dawn Marick, DVM, MS, DACVIM(LA).