A podcast about how people have applied ideas from outside software to software.

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E47: Oops! The Winston W. Royce Story

In 1970, Winston W. Royce published a paper “Managing the Development of Large Software Systems.” Later authors cited it as the justification for what had come to be c...

E46: How do metaphors work?

Conceptual metaphor is a theory in cognitive science that claims understanding and problem-solving often (but not always) happen via systems of metaphor. I present the...

E45: The offloaded brain, part 5: I propose a software design style

In this episode, I ask the question: what would a software design style inspired by ecological and embodied cognition be like? I sketch some tentative ideas. I plan to...

E44: The offloaded brain, part 4: an interview with David Chapman

In the '80s, David Chapman and Phil Agre were doing work within AI that was very compatible with the ecological and embodied cognition approach I've been describing. T...

E43: The offloaded brain, part 3: dynamical systems

Scientists studying ecological and embodied cognition try to use algorithms as little as they can. Instead, they favor dynamical systems, typically represented as a se...

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